Monday, January 11, 2010

Getting old is not as much fun as I thought....I have been doing my shred DVD workout almost every day (missed 2 days but I did have yoga one of those)and running 3 times a week and I have not lost one little pound. I know I should watch what I eat more BUT COME ON!!!

The kids are all doing well and we are all happy that school has started. The twins have ballet, gymnastic and 2's class once a week and they seem to do much better with having more structure, Viv is in preschool 3 times a week and ballet and gymnastics as well.

Daniel had his first OT therapy session today. It went well and I have learned how to do the deep pressure holds on him He liked throwing the feathers and donkey kicks...and he loves reflexology.

Going to see if I can post some family would help if I remember to use the real camera and not just my crackberry!

This was last Christmas. Viv was 3 and the twins 19 mths. They love everything firefighter....and not so crazy about police! Go figure!

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way. Food is the devil. You can work you butt off and not lose a pound of you eat crappy. I am learning this the hard way. It stinks. Love last years Xmas picture. very cute.
